
A Journal of 3 Es - Encouragement, Exhortation, Edification

Friday, July 31, 2009


Entering into a sabbath rest is an attitude of rest that refreshes us. (Hebrews 4:9-11). It is a kind of rest where we cease from our own efforts and rely entirely on God. If you have accepted Jesus as your Lord and Saviour and are depending on Him alone for salvation, then you have rested from your own work. You are trusting in His finished work and you are experiencing the Sabbath rest that God wants you to have. You can live every day in the freedom and blessings of Christ's finished work as you tune in to His voice. In resting, we can hear His voice so much more clearly, God created the earth and all of its inhabitants in six days, then rested on the seventh day. During times of rest the Lord can clearly speak to us because we are unencumbered with all the details of life.

Let's enter into and remain in His rest. When we cease from our own efforts and depend on the work of Jesus, we rest.When we cease from dependence on our own activity and rest in dependence upon the activity of Jesus who dwells within, we rest. That is our Sabbath rest. It may not always be easy to find a place of refuge, a place away from the telephone, fax machine, computer, radio or television. But we can always find a Sabbath rest by being in the presence of God and responding to His presence in us as we endevour to hear His voice.


Thursday, July 30, 2009


Fasting is not optional for Christians who are serious about their walk with God. (Matthew 6:16) Maintaining a life of prayer and fasting is paramount to hearing from God.

What is fasting and why should we deny ourselves by practicing this spiritual discipline? We 'starve' our body in order to feed our spirit. The essence of a fast is self-denial in order to turn our thoughts to God.

We can hear God's voice more clearly when we fast, because we find in Him sustenance beyond food. As we deny ourselves and focus on God, our faith deepens and becomes more powerful. When prayer and fasting is combined, powerful things happen.

Many people ask about the "correct" way to fast. Apart from having the right heart attitude, there really isn't a perfect formula. You can skip a meal, have only liquids for days, give up sweets (chocolates, cakes etc), give up anything to do with media (staying in touch with humans) like phone, TV, newspapers, internet. The point is that the absence of food and things that we think we cannot do without makes us constantly more dependent on God and more open to His Spirit. We just want to focus on God and nothing else.


Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Below is a very touching and heart-warming example of a spiritual parenting relationship.

Betty, in her fifties, started to mentor Holly during a time of deep need in Holly's life. Holly was a 27-year old mother, yet she was a child crying out from within a woman's body. During their mentoring relationship, Betty visited Holly every week and called her several times a week. They read helpful books together and Betty taught Holly how to cook, something she had never learned growing up. Holly recalled,"Betty practiced what she preached. She helped me to hear from God by her example. God spoke through Betty as she faithfully mentored me. Trust is a very important part of spiritual parenting. I had trust issues in my life, and she never betrayed my trust or gossiped. If she make a mistake, she humbled herself and admitted it. A spiritual parent does not have to be perfect, just real and honest." 1 Corinthians 4:15-17

Although Betty and Holly came from very different upbringings, and didn't agree on things, the love of Jesus brought them together. Holly's life was forever impacted by this spiritual parental relationship that helped her get to know God and hear His voice.


Monday, July 27, 2009



Joyce Meyer shares in one of her books that even though we may choose to forgive, yet we still find our feelings toward the person who hurt us are still quite unforgiving. Forgiveness is a choice we must make and we must earnestly work towards that goal - not half heartily.

Firstly, understand that it may take time and that's okay. If we do what we can do, God will do what we cannot do. We cannot make wrong feelings go away any more than we can make right ones come. But God can and will. We must do what Scripture instructs us to do, and we will be able to work through the process of forgiveness.

The second thing is to pray for them as God has told us to do. Prayer is a powerful tool, tap into its power - in the name of Jesus, all things are possible.

The third thing God tells us to do is to bless our enemies. To bless someone means to speak well of them and want good things for them. Refuse to talk unkindly about them. Don't keep talking about what or how your enemy hurt you. It only keeps the pain stirring in you. Instead, bless your enemy in practical ways like weeding his garden, bake him a cake etc.

The fourth thing to do is wait. "And let us not be weary in well doing:for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not" (Galatians 6:9) Don't give up. Keep doing what is right, and wait on God to change your feelings. (not your enemy's feelings)


Sunday, July 26, 2009


I have always envy people who are gifted in one way or another. Most of the people I know well are gifted in some ways. My father was good in woodcraft, my mum could sew well, my sister is good in cooking, my brother is good in mechanics, my hubby is good with figures, my elder boy is good in sports and IT, my younger boy can play two musical instruments, my colleague has green fingers, another is good in photography, yet another can bake cakes well, my friend Iris is good with handicrafts and her sister can sing so beautifully. But I just seem not good in any of those mentioned above! I keep asking God what gifts He has blessed me with? It bothered me quite a bit that I don't seem to have any. I ask God to show me for I believe what He says in I Corinthians 7:7 that He has given us gifts, one in this manner and another in that.

Yes, God is faithful and good. He reveals to me that I am uniquely and wonderfully made. He has gifted me with the love of reading. Initially I could not accept this as a gift for I don't see how this can benefit anyone except myself. I stubbornly refused this truth until I read that a person's faith is also a gift from God. If a person has faith, whatever he prays for, he can move mountains! So this person's faith can benefit all those whom he prays for. Now I am so thankful and grateful to God for this gift because indeed God has blessed not only me but so many of my friends too! I love to share my books with my friends and have even stir up the love for reading in one of my ex-colleagues. And now, God has further blessed me in selling my books through ebay at very reasonable prices for those who want to know God more intimately. Hallelujah! What a good and gracious God we serve.


Saturday, July 25, 2009


After a storm in our lives, we hope life will go back to normal. Do you remember we always think in our hearts, "When things get back to normal, I'll start exercising. Then I will work out every day, eat right and be the healthiest person around." Suddenly we realised that we'd been thinking these thoughts but nothing had ever changed. Our unrealistic expectations were keeping us from making any progress.

PHILIPPIANS 4:13 says, "I can do everything through Him who gives me strength." But it does not say, "I have to do it all right now." We need to take one step at a time and give ourselves a pat on the back for every bit of progress. If I had time for five minutes of walking, that's great. If I had time for ten sit-ups, that's what I'd do. If I remember to take the stairs instead of the lift, that's fine. It's okay just to do what we can each day.

This is especially true when we are in a storm and just trying to survive. If all I have the energy for is whispering a one-sentence prayer to God, then go for it. If it takes everything within me just to have a coffee-break with God, then that's success. If I make it through an hour without feeling grumpy or down, then celebrate. Our hearts can only handle so much at a time, but if we continue to partner with God to do what we can each day, we'll discover those little gains add up to a big difference in our lives. Extracted from RAIN ON ME BY Holley Gerth


Friday, July 24, 2009


I have just heard this testimony from a Christian sister about hearing God's voice. As I am at present reading a book on this same subject, I love to share her experience to exhort and edify one another in our own walk with God.

As a young Christian, this sister does not know that we must avoid being a guarantor. (Proverbs 6) A good friend of hers wanted this sister to be a guarantor.My sister approached her pastor (also her cell leader) for advice, but it happened that her pastor was out of town. So she prayed to God the whole day regarding this issue. She said:"Lord, if you do not want me to be a guarantor, then give me peace". The whole day, she did not have peace - she perceived that God said OK. The next day before she went to the lawyer's office, she prayed the same prayer again, but she still did not get peace. So she told God:"Father, since I don't have peace, it means OK right? So now I am going to the lawyer
already hoh."

At the office (very tiny with some old papers posted on the wall) the lawyer wanted her to sign on the dotted line. But he dropped something on the floor and bent down to pick it up. It was at this point, God sp9ke to my sister. Because while waiting, she looked around the tiny office and felt and see serenity - that means peace! (Remember, the office was small and uncluttered?) And she asked God to help her to say 'NO Way I'm signing this'. When the lawyer straightened himself, he looked at my sister and asked"Young lady, do you know what will your consequence be after you sign? Are you sure what you are doing?"

My sister asked,"Do you mean I can don't sign?"
The lawyer said:"Of course!"
So my sister left without committing herself. Hallelujah. Praise the Lord. He came to rescue her at the 11th hour. (That means, not too early nor too late = perfect timing)

So what I would like to share is the Lord can speak to us in many ways. The question is'"Are you listening?" I am also learning to hear GOD's voice. The important requisite is that we must be so in line with God, so quiet in Him that when He speaks, we can hear and obey.



I once saw a man draw some black dots on a piece of paper. I saw nothing but an irregular arrangements of dots. Then he drew a few lines, put in a few rests, and added a treble clef at the beginning. Suddenly I realised that the dots were musical notes and the song revealed itself:

Praise God from whom all blessings flow;
Praise Him all creatures here below.

Each of us has many black dots or spots in our life, and we cannot understand why they are there or why God permitted them. But when we allow Him into our life to adjust the dots in the proper way, to draw the lines He desires, and to put rests at the proper places to separate us from certain things, then from the black dots and spots He will compose a glorious harmony. By:CHP

Sing.... to the Lord, always giving thanks to God the Father for everything. (Ephesians 5:19-20)


Wednesday, July 22, 2009


What is a friend?

The athlete said,"A friend is a balancing pole that enables us to walk the tight-rope of life without falling."

The physician said,"A friend may be likened to a soft bandage and a soothing ointment for the cuts and bruises of life."

A botanist said,"A friend is a vine that clings to us and hides the discrepancies and rough places of life."

A jeweler said,:A friend is a golden link in the chain of life."

A woman in mourning said,: A friend is one who comes in when the whole world goes out."

"The best friend of all," said a white-haired man of eighty, "is Jesus, who laid down His life for his friends."

A friend loveth at all times (Proverbs 17:17)


Tuesday, July 21, 2009

THE LORD'S PRAYER Galatians 2:20

I cannot say 'our' if I live in a water-tight spiritual compartment.
I cannot say "Father' if I do not demonstrate the relationship in daily life.
I cannot say 'which art in heaven' if I am so occupied with the earth that I am laying up no treasure there.
I cannot say 'hallowed by Thy name' if I, who am called by His name, am not holy.
I cannot say 'Thy kingdom come' if I am not doing all in my power to hasten its coming.
I cannot say 'Thy will be done' if I am questioning, resentful of, or disobedient to His will for me.
I cannot say 'in earth, as it is in heaven' if I am not prepared to devote my life to His service.
I cannot say 'give us this day our daily bread' if I am living on past experience or if I am an under-the-counter shopper.
I cannot say 'forgive us our trepasses, as we forgive those who trepass against us' if I harbour a grudge against anyone.
I cannot say 'lead us not into temptation' if I deliberately place myself in a position to be tempted.
I cannot say 'deliver us from evil' if I am not prepared to fight it in the spiritual realm with the weapon of prayer.
I cannot say 'thine is the kingdom' if I do not accord the King the disciplined obedience of a loyal subject.
I cannot say 'thine is the power' if I fear what men may do or what my neighbours may thnk.
I cannot say 'thine is the glory' if I am seeking glory for myself.
I cannot say 'for ever' if my horizon is bounded by the things of time. The Christian Messenger


Sunday, July 19, 2009

The Spice of Life

Most of us hate routine and doing the same things over and over again. Sometimes, while trying to clear the "to-do" list, we can end up physically and spiritually drained. It is good to pause and be still. Lately, I enjoy a book on Coffee Break with God.

In the midst of our work, God can still bring something new, unusual and different when we change our attitude. Instead of emphazing the "same old", we should remember what the Bible says: "if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come! (2 Corinthians 5:17).

I find it very true especially when I turn to him while still doing the routine chores. There is something changing inside of us. We may even enjoy the chores with singing and psalming and is a totally new experience. God is continually stirring new life within us, giving us new dreams and goals and molding us to be more like Jesus!


Friday, July 17, 2009


Great and marvellous are thy works, Lord God Almighty (Revelations 15:3)

The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth His handywork
(Psalms 19:1)

I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalms 139:14)

God is great in great things, but very great in little things. A party stood on the mountains admiring the beauty of the scene, when a gentleman produced a pocket microscope, and having caught a fly, placed it under the glass. He reminded everyone that the legs of the household fly is naked. Then he called attention to the legs of this little fly (mountain fly) which were thickly covered with hair, thus showing that the same God who had made the lofty Swiss mountains had also attended to the comfort of His tiniest creatures, even producing socks and mittens for the little fly whose home is in the cold mountains!


Thursday, July 16, 2009


There is a legend of an artist who long sought for a piece of sandal-wood, out of which to carve a Madonna. At last he was about to give up in despair, leaving the vision of his life unrealized, when in a dream he was bidden to shape the figure from a block of oakwood which was destined for the fire. Obeying the command, he produced from the log of common fire-wood a masterpiece.

In like manner many people wait for great and brilliant opportunities for doing the good things, the beautiful things, of which they dream, while through all the plain, common days, the very opportunities they require for such deeds lie close to them in the simplest and most familiar passing events, and in the homeliest circumstances. They wait to find sandal-wood out of which to carve Madonnas, while far more lovely Madonnas than they dream of are hidden in the common logs of oak they spurn with their feet in the wood-yard. (By J.R. Miller) Philippians 3:21


Monday, July 13, 2009


When tempted:

Forget the slander you have heard,
Forget the hasty, unkind word;
Forget the quarrel and the cause,
Forget the whole affair, because,
Forgetting is the only way.

Forget the storm of yesterday,
Forget the chap whose sour face
Forgets to smile in any place.
Forget that you're not a millionaire,
Forget the gray streaks in your hair.

Forget the coffee when it's cold
Forget to kick, forget to scold.
Forget the plumber's awful charge,
Forget the doctor's bill is large;
Forget the repair man and his ways,
Forget the winter's blustery days,
Forget the neighbour's wagging tongue.



Saturday, July 11, 2009


Today my pastor touched on the few levels of knowing God. (John 14:6-11)

1) Not knowing God : I think there are many people who just do not know God. They do not believe there is a God at all.

2) There are also those in the awareness level. This is the most superficial level. These people know there is a God who is the highest authority.

3) There are also those in the cognitive level. They have much intellectual knowledge. They accept many facts of God.

4) There are those in a relational or experiential level with God. They have first hand and not second hand knowledge or experience with God. They are in an intimate relationship with God.

5) Many also have revelation knowledge from God. For example, God may give you an intimate knowledge/secret about the sister or brother next to you whom you have never met. God may want you to speak to this person and offer to pray for him/her.

We must not be contented with just knowing God with facts only, but seek to know Him intimately and rest on His power.


Isaiah 40:31

Below is a drawing done by a sister based on Isaiah 40:31. Isn't it beautiful?

Isaiah 40:31
But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.

Let us alway reflect on the secret of the majestic eagle's power. She makes her nest in the rock. And not just any rock. She has been placed on a very high, solid rock, safe from all harm. Furthermore, she is directed by keen eyesight, focus and means to her sustenance.

If we seek the Lord every day (need to remind myself) and follow His instructions, then indeed our spirit will lift us up higher than we can imagine. The secret is to establish ourselves on the Rock, rely on the steadfastness and strength of that Rock, and profit from its high vantage point.


Friday, July 10, 2009


In fast pace Singapore, it's very difficult (almost impossible) to slow down and do nothing. Just be still and wait upon the Lord can be rather scary and hard! Just imagine, do nothing and wait and wait and wait and still silence with no immediate reply or work to be done! But this is just what the Lord wants - slow down, be patient, learn to trust in Him. Psalm 130:5

My prayer: Slow me down and quiet my mind. Steady my hurried pace and break the tensions of my nerves and muscles. Help me to know the magical restoring power of sleep and rest. Teach me the art of taking minute vacations, slow down to look at a flower, to chat with a friend, to pat a dog, to hug a child, to read a few lines from a good book and take a walk by the sea etc.

Lesson: We must learn to wait. When we do not know what to do we must simply do nothing. Wait till the mist clears away. Waiting has four purposes. It practices the patience of faith. It gives time for preparation for the coming gift. It makes the blessing the sweeter when it arrives. It shows the sovereignty of God - to give just when and as He pleases.



Three women were praying. As they knelt the Master drew near to them. As He approached the first woman, He bent over her in tenderness and grace, with a smile full of radiant love and spoke to her ever so sweetly. Leaving her, He came to the next one and just placed His hand lightly upon her bowed head and gave her one look of loving approval. The third woman He passed almost abruptly without stopping for a word or glance. Now, you may wonder why each woman received a different 'treatment' from their master.

The Lord explains:"The first kneeling woman needs all the weight of My tenderness and care to keep her feet in My narrow way. She needs My love, thought and help every moment of the day. Without it she would fail and fall. The second has stronger faith and deeper love, and I can trust her to trust Me however things may go and whatever people do. The third, whom I seemed not to notice, and even to neglect, has faith and love of the finest quality and her, I am training by quick and drastic processes for the highest and holiest service. She knows Me so intimately, and trusts Me so utterly, that she is independent of words or looks or any outward intimation of My approval. She is not dismayed nor discouraged by any circumstance through which I arrange that she shall pass; she trusts Me when sense and reason and every finer instinct of the natural heart would rebel; - because she knows that I am working in her for eternity, and that what I do, though she knows not the explanation now, she shall understand hereafter. (Zephaniah 3:17)


Thursday, July 9, 2009


Jesus is our daily bread, feed on the Word and be spiritually filled.(John 6:35)
A song written by Arden Autry describes how He lovingly gave - and continues to give - His life for us:
As you eat this bread, as you drink this cup, Let your heart give thanks and be lifted up.
Your soul can rest in this truth secure:As you eat this bread, all I am is yours.

All I am is yours, All I am I gave, Dying on the cross, rising from the grave
Your sins to bear and your life restore: As you eat this bread, all I am is yours

In delight and joy, in the depths of pain,In the anxious hours, through all loss and gain,
Your world may shake, but my Word endures:As you eat this bread, all I am is yours


Sunday, July 5, 2009

Do you have a servant's heart?

Today, in the shepherd's coordination, we read a chapter on the above by Rick Warren.

We all desire to serve God but sometimes we are not able to serve properly because we do not have a servant's heart.

Rick Warren gives us a checklist to see whether are we a real servant:-
1) Real servants make themselves available
2) Real servants pay attention to needs
3) Real servants do their best with what they have
4) Real servants do everything with equal dedication
5) Real servants are faithful to their ministries
6) Real servants maintain a low profile

My reflections:
1) Many a time, I serve at my own convenience. Sometimes, I fill up my time with other pursuits that it limit my availability? A real servant is ready to jump into service when called upon.

2) God wants me to grow in servanthood and He may present opportunites to me for instance someone crying for helps. Opportunity comes and goes and if I do not seize it quick, I will lose it.

3) God expects me to do what I can, what I have and whereever I am. Less-than- perfect service is always better with the best intention. I can learn as I do. God sees our heart, He is concerned with building our godly character.

4) Do all tasks (whether big or small) with all my heart even a simple task. Many a time, it is in the small service that I grow like Christ (character building).

5) Sometimes I quit when I am discouraged. God wants my faithfulness. Matthew 25:23"His master replied, 'Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master's happiness!'

6) Do my service quietly, obtaining approval from God alone. Matthew 6:1"Be careful not to do your 'acts of righteousness' before men, to be seen by them. If you do, you will have no reward from your Father in heaven.




3 pieces of patience and peace
4 tablespoons of kindness and consideration
2 bags of humility with sincerity
3 bowls of trust and openness
Some joy and warmth with cheerfulness
Lots of mercy and generosity
A dash of gentleness and meekness
2 blocks of faith and hopes
7 teaspoons of impartiality and unselfishness
Unlimited amount of forgiveness and forbearance
Lots of acceptance and esteem
4 pieces of unity and harmony with self-control
8 ozs. of care and concern
4 ozs. of praises
Copious amount of love and understanding with silence submissions
Large doses of affectionate affirmations
Throw in some honour and dependability
With lots of goodness and charity
Top it up with lots of smiles and laughter, hugs and kisses
And heart-to-heart communications and encouragements
Not forgetting commitments with boldness, courage and confidence
And add in some genuine consolations, tenderness and gratitude
Not forgetting lots of surprises, gifts and endearments
Of course always in oneness and togetherness!


Friday, July 3, 2009


The Almighty God has so linked our lives one with another that all we do affects, for good or ill, all other lives.
~ Bear one another's burdens and, thus fulfill the law of Christ (Galatians 6:2)
~ Be subject to one another (Ephesians 5:21)
~ Comfort one another (1 Thessalonians 4:18)
~ Stir one another up to love and good works - encouraging one another (Hebrews 10:24-25)
~ Be hospitable to one another (1 Peter 4:9)
~ Employ God's gifts for one another (1 Peter 4:10)
~ Confess your faults to one another and be healed (James 5:16)
~ Live in harmony with one another (Romans 12:16, 15:5 ; Colossians 3:15)
~ Do not judge one another (Romans 14:13)
~ Build one another up (Romans 14:10 ; Ephesians 4:15-16)
~ Accept one another (Romans 15:7)
~ Instruct and admonish one another (Romans 15:14 ; Colossians 3:16)
~ Serve one another (Galatians 5:13 : John 13:14)
~ Forbear one another (Ephesians 4:2 ; Colossians 3:13)
~ Speak the truth to one another (Ephesians 4:25)
~ Be kind to one another (Ephesians 4:32)
~ Forgive one another (Ephesians 4:32 ; Colossians 3:13)




We all know what choosing means - the pink blouse or the white shirt, the apple or the orange, telling the truth or lie, the sales job or accounting work, blessings or curses.... Everyday we have to make that choice!

But when we are in an emotional storm, for example a miscarriage or infertility, we rebel and say,"But God, You didn't give me a choice here! I never wanted to be in this storm."

That brings up an important distinction. Sometimes we don't get to choose our circumstances, but we can still choose our response to them. During storms, our feelings and circumstances will try to be the boss. They want to dominate us. But we can make proactive choices.

Not everything in the world has turned out the way God wanted. He did not desire Adam to disobey. He did not desire for sin or suffering to be part of our existence. However, He doesn't allow those things to change His character. He is the same yesterday, today and forever! He continues to make choices based on who He is, whatever the circumstances. We are made in His image, and He wants us to respond the same way to everything that happens in our lives.

So, will we be like Joshua? "As for me and my household, we choose to serve the LORD" Joshua 24:15 Extract from Rain on me by Holley Gerth

Make the right choice, no matter what the circumstance is. Choose joy over sorrow, choose victory over defeat, choose forgiveness over bitterness, choose love over hate, choose GOD!
